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Amstel Agro Protect-P:
Specifically developed to combat abiotic stress

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Protect-P is a product specifically developed to combat abiotic stress. Phytophthora palmivora is a serious disease caused by fungi. Contrary to what the name suggests – Phytophthora Palmivora means ‘palm bud rot’ –  this is a disease that can affect almost any plant in the world. It has been scientifically proven that components in Protect-P contribute to the healthy development of the plant.


The benefits of Protect-P:

  • Supports the plant’s own defence mechanism against fungi

  • Promotes the immune reaction

  • Suppresses the growth of fungi

  • Improves the growth and development of the crop



Preventive: 0.1% per litre of water

Curative: 0.2% per litre of water


In a climate with many stress factors, we recommend applying the high dosage of 0.2%.

If more than 0.2% is added, the acidity of the water can quickly become too low.

Keep a close eye on the pH and adjust as needed.


Application: Spray


Frequency: year-round application, it is recommended that this product is integrated into fertilizer/crop protection applications


Protect-P is mixable with most agrochemicals. We recommend that Protect-P is used in combination with Amstel Agro Special Fertilizers.

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