Amstel Agro SF-G:
Provides strength to your greenhouse vegetable crops

With Amstel Agro SF-G, the production of your greenhouse vegetable crop increases by up to 35%, while cutting the required volume of crop protection agents by half. In addition, thanks to Amstel Agro SF-G the crop is more resistant to drought, diseases and pests.
Amstel Agro SF-G is a mineral fertiliser based on easily absorbable orthosilicic acid. Amstel Agro SF-G further contains the important micro-nutrients boron, zinc and molybdenum.
The effect of Amstel Agro SF-G
Amstel Agro SF-G ensures a larger and stronger root system of your crop and larger, firmer leaves. This allows the plant to absorb more micro-nutrients and convert more sunlight into energy. The crop thus becomes stronger, healthier and more productive. Consequently, stress factors such as diseases, insects and drought have less effect on the crop.
Read more about the unique properties of orthosilicic acid.
For which crops?
Bell pepper
Preventive: 0.1% per litre of water
Curative: 0.2% per litre of water
Application: Spray
Frequency: year-round application, it is recommended that this product is integrated into fertilizer/crop protection applications